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About M34

About Us

young woman with finger pressed to lips

M34 is a digital marketing agency based in Manchester—a place known for its entrepreneurs who built their businesses from the ground up, constantly adapting to changing times and embracing new opportunities.

Inspired by this entrepreneurial spirit, M34 brings the same level of creativity and innovation to the digital marketing world. We believe in helping businesses grow by crafting custom strategies that stand out in a crowded market. Our team is driven by a passion for digital marketing and a commitment to helping our clients succeed.

Our Journey

Over the years, we've worked with clients across various industries, including local government, fashion, leisure, retail, and construction. This diverse experience has equipped us with a deep understanding of the unique challenges each sector faces, allowing us to create customised digital marketing solutions that meet their specific needs.

What We Offer

At M34, we offer a comprehensive range of digital marketing services, including SEO, branding, PPC, email marketing, and web design. We do much of the work in-house, ensuring consistent quality and seamless communication with our clients. When necessary, we also collaborate with trusted partners to bring additional expertise to the table, giving us the flexibility to scale our services as needed.

Our Philosophy

We believe in building strong relationships with our clients based on trust, transparency, and open communication. Our team is committed to providing professional, accessible service, ensuring that you feel supported every step of the way. Whether you're a small business looking to improve your online visibility or a larger organisation seeking a comprehensive digital marketing strategy, we're here to help.

Why Choose M34?

  • Local Expertise: Being based in Manchester, we understand the local market and have strong connections within the community.

  • Diverse Experience: Our work across various industries gives us unique insights into what works and what doesn't in digital marketing.

  • Tailored Solutions: We don't believe in one-size-fits-all. Our strategies are customised to meet your specific goals.

  • Professional Team: Our team is a mix of experienced marketers, designers, and strategists who are passionate about what they do.

Get in Touch

Ready to take your digital marketing to the next level? Contact us today to learn more about how we can help you achieve your business goals.

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